Terms of Service

We at Hormone Harmony Clinic care deeply about the privacy and security of our users' personal information. This Terms of Service document outlines what user data we collect, how we use it, who we share it with, and the rights users have over their data.

We collect only the minimum amount of personal information necessary to deliver our services. The main types of user data we collect are:

Importantly, we do not collect any health information or other sensitive data. We are not a medical provider and do not offer clinical services.

We may use users' contact information to send service updates, reminders, or promotional offers we think may interest them. Users can opt out of promotional emails at any time. We never sell or share user data with third party advertisers or marketing companies.

The only entities we share limited user data with are trusted third party service providers we work with to operate our site, such as web hosting and analytics companies. We have confidentiality agreements in place with these parties restricting their use of any user data we provide.

Users have certain rights over their personal data under privacy laws. These include rights to access, correct, delete, and download any data we hold about them. Users can make such requests by emailing [email protected] We will respond promptly within 30 days.

We may amend this Terms of Service document from time to time to reflect changes in laws, our data practices, new features we add, or other reasons. We will highlight any changes when we update the document. Users should review the Terms regularly to ensure they understand our latest policies.

Overall, we only use user data to deliver, analyze, and improve our services. We aim to be transparent about our limited data practices and respect users' privacy rights. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about this.

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